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Clean clothes stain

How to remove deodorant stains

Deodorant stains on clothing are a common problem, especially when it comes to your favorite pieces. These stains can make garments look unappealing, but don’t worry! With the right techniques and a bit of patience, you can restore your clothes and give them a new lease on life.


Why do deodorant stains form?

Deodorant stains often result from the interaction between sweat and certain ingredients in deodorants, including:

  • Aluminum salts: Used to control sweating, aluminum salts can react with sweat, leaving white or yellowish residues on clothing.
  • Oils and emollients: These moisturizing components can seep into fabric fibers, creating tough-to-remove stains.
  • Fragrances and colorants: Deodorants containing fragrances or colorants can leave permanent marks on some fabrics.


How to remove a deodorant stain?

If you’re looking to remove a deodorant stain, here are some tried-and-true methods:

1. White vinegar: The essential natural stain remover
    • Mix equal parts water and white vinegar.
    • Soak the stained area in this mixture for 30 minutes.
    • Gently scrub with a toothbrush or clean cloth.
    • Wash the garment as usual.
      2. Baking soda: For stubborn stains
        • Create a paste by mixing baking soda with a bit of water.
        • Apply the paste directly to the stain.
        • Let it sit for an hour.
        • Gently scrub and rinse with clear water before washing.
        3. Lemon juice: Natural and effective
          • Squeeze fresh lemon juice onto the stain.
          • Let the treated area sit in the sun for an hour.
          • Rinse with cold water and wash normally.
          4. Salt: Simple and handy
            • Moisten the stain and sprinkle salt on it.
            • Let it sit for a few hours.
            • Gently scrub with a damp cloth before washing.
            5. Marseille soap: The traditional option
              • Moisten the stain and rub it with Marseille soap.
              • Let it sit for a few hours.
              • Wash the garment as usual.


              How to prevent deodorant stains?

              To avoid deodorant stains in the future, follow these simple tips:

              • Let deodorant dry: Before getting dressed, wait for the deodorant to dry completely to minimize transfers to your clothes.
              • Choose aluminum-free deodorants: Opt for natural formulas that do not include these ingredients. Such as our deodorant refills edilos, GROOM, or Rituels.
              • Wash clothes promptly: Don’t let stains set in. The sooner you act, the easier it will be to remove them.

              Why does my KIIMA deodorant sometimes leave stains on my white or black clothes?

              At KIIMA, we carefully select our partners to ensure natural formulations that keep your underarms fresh and hydrated. We use ingredients like coconut oil, shea butter, and essential oils, which can sometimes leave marks on both light and dark clothing. Each refill is rigorously tested to meet our quality standards without leaving residues. However, factors such as excessive application, insufficient drying time, fabric type, and individual sweat composition can also contribute to the appearance of stains.

              Deodorant stains might seem challenging to tackle, but with the right techniques, you can easily remove them. Try these methods the next time you find a stain on your clothes, and you’ll be amazed at the results! Not only will you preserve your garments, but you’ll also extend their lifespan while staying fresh and clean.

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